UPDATE: The Sisterhood of the Traveling Hijab has a blog that is opened to all sisters. The blog is private, so if you'd like to join please send an email to heejabee@gmail.com or sisterhood.online@gmail.com The sisterhood is opened to all sisters regardless of where they live. You can participate in the game if you live in America, Europe, Asia or Africa! So, please email me if you're interested. The more, the merrier!
Do you want to be part of this game? Sisterhood of the traveling hijab. This is a way for us to stay connected and share something in common.
1- I will get a notebook/scrapbook
2- I will write about something I wanna share about me or where I live, or my family....+Put my city's postcard
3- I will buy a hijab online
4- I will send you the notebook+hijab
5-When you receive it,you can keep it for a week,write about something you wanna share, something that happened to you when you wore the hijab,.....
6- Wash the hijab, mail hijab+scrapbook to the next person on the list
7- Let's see how far the hijab will get and how many places this hijab will see.
Let me know if you're interested to be part of this project. I will create a separate blog about it if enough people are interested. We can all be in different parts of the world, this Hijab will be the symbol of our sisterhood. Our special sisterhood connection!

1-The first time you receive the scrapbook, you will paste a postcard about your city.
2- You have to be willing to mail the scrapbook+hijab to the next person on the list regardless of where they are located.
3-You have to wash the hijab before sending it to the next person on the list
4. You have to wear the hijab that week
5. Only the people on the list can wear the hijab. You can't let your friends and/or family wear it if they are not on the list.
Any ideas, thoughts, comments.... are welcome
that is a pretty cool idea!
Very interesting :) I'm in.... What kind of hijab do u have in mind? I find most square and al-amira too small (ie not covering enough), so maybe a shayla is best? As long as its big enough cus also some shayla are too short or not wide enough.
Yeh that's what I thought too lol. Anyone is welcome to participate
We will choose the hijab together, something that everyone can wear easily. After I create the other blog, our first task will be to choose a hijab that everyone likes. I'm fine with a Shayla:)
This is a great idea and a great way for all us sisters to connect on a different level. Im definitely gamed, so count me in. I think a shayla would be best too.
I am really excited about this.
Let's get started.
sounds really good. I am in!
such a cute idea!!!
Lolz I wouldn't want to be the last sister to see the hijab after it has been washed for soooo many times :P !!! I'll be in if you put me on first haha -joking.... I am not sure if I can participate but none the less a great idea sis :) I would love to see it's footsteps in the travels tho so keep me updated! MashaAllah!
Count me in. :)
Hijabee- I like! Count me in... hope to get the hijab though before I move (InshaAllah)!!!!!!!!!
That was pretty crafty of ya...
Sounds like we're on to something. I will be working on the other blog tomorrow inshAllah and you can all share your ideas there. I'm glad that all of you want to participate, this is gonna be fun!
Yasmin, Um Bilal, Diali,Milz
Let's get it on girls. If you have any additional ideas, please don't hesitate to share
Empress Anisa,
Unless you're moving in the Moon, you will still get it inshAllah lol.
U're funny, part of the idea is to actually see how the hijab progresses so if you get it first I think it will be kinda boring lol.
I am new to the blogging world and convert to Islam. I would be interested in this!
Welcome! You're in :)
great idea!!
can i follow the journey without really participating?
that sounds so fun,can i be in??please??
HEY!!! I wanna play too!!! ^__^
Plus you can save on postage!! :-P
Oh wow...
what a great idea, im in:)
Are internationals included ?
WOW! This sounds sooo neat!
What a cool idea! I can't participate but you should definately make everyone take a pic of the hijab on or off and postcards and post them!
Oh ! such an awesome idea ...... but I won't be able to participate :( ....
Thanks to everyone who wants to participate, please join us in the new blog!!!!
Mona, I was thinking about that too, maybe we will do it, thanks :)
Thanks,you can participate if you want :)
Ms.Unique, you can still support us lol.
Yes they are,
Mina, Im glad u're in :)
Sata,Inexplicable Muslima,
Yes you are in lol
oF COURse you can :)
wow how did u ever think of this awesome idea! i cant participate althou wud have LOVED to really.....plzzzzz can i be in the private blog as well?
You're welcome to join :)
I almost wish I could wear a hijab, just to be a part of this awesome sisterhood :)
You can be part of it! You can wear it like a scarf or around you! I will call you later!
Salaam Hijabee!
What a wonderful idea and what a great blog you have here! Just got here through quest's space and I'm loving everything I read : )
Well, I'm Muslim and hijabi too so I hope I can join the sisterhood of the traveling hijab!
I'll be back to read more : )
All the best,
what a intresting idia and a creative bloger , I wish I could be a part of this game.inshaallah in the future if you accept me .
what is the meaning of "wash hijab" ?
I should try to make a progress in English .
of course your writing help me Thank you sis.
this sounds like loads of fun... count me in !!
great idea sis ;)
hi I´m back on the blog :P
I hope everything is great with you!
Tee demensionist, of course you can be part of it, visit us over @ the sisterhood's blog :)
InshAllah, I hope you can be part of it one day :) you can also visit us at the sisterhood's blog. As for 'wash hijab', it just means to clean it after wearing it in case it's dirty :)
You're in :)
Welcome back :)
salam, love the blog!! and this idea is fab... please count me in.. insha'Allah.. my email address is on my profile page...
Ok I am soooooo in!!!!! please add me to the list, email is below:
what a nice idea, mashAllah have fun with it :)
I didn't join up for the traveling hijab but I cannot see that blog anymore...I was just wondering why not? If you are not participating can you not just see the 'progress' ?? Was looking forward to reading about the hijab's travels around the world
The blog has gone private. I've had different posts where I asked people who wanted to still follow the blog to send me an email or put their email address on the comment section so I can add them to the list. The reason for the blog going private is because siters will post pictures of themselves wearing the hijab. As a precaution,we just don't want those pictures to be out in the open and be copied or distributed. So if you'd like to follow, again you're welcome just leave your email on the comment section or send it to me @ heejabee@gmail.com . Thank you!
Salam Alaykim,
This is a great idea, how do I join the mailing list my email is mallak077@gmail.com please let me know.
Icp.Office Manager.
I've sent you an invitation to the private blog. Please let me know where you're located @. You can email me at heejabee@gmail.com
Awesome idea....i wonder where was i till today :O....stupid unaware me...lol
but i am game for it..i ll write a mail to you too..
Awesome idea.....i am game for it too... wonder where was i all this time...sleeping..blogging?? uff unaware me :( lol
i am sending u a mail as well...please add me in.
Hello this is like the sisterhood of the traveling pants haha sooo interesting. I just watched the movie yesterday, can I join?
I was browsing around when I came across this initiative, which is indeed a wonderful idea, if you ask me!
I'd love to see where this all is going; could you please add me as well?
i'm interested. but i will be out of the country soon. so if i join i don't think i should get it until i'm back. also... my town doesn't have a post card... that's how small it is lol
Oh, count me in!!
Be sure and pop by and leave a note! And please follow!
wow interesting project
MashahAllah! what a nice sisterhood project! I would love to be a part of it. =)
Can you count me in?
Yes sure, all you need to do is send me an email with your info @ heejabee @gmail.com Thanks for stopping by!
masha allah what a great idea. i would love to join in insha allah.
Something to save the hijab going missing in the post is to make sure that everyone sends it recorded or trackable so it definatley gets to the next person safely insha allah.
Email me with your information so I can add you to the list :)
Salam to everyone..
this is such an interesting blog...
travellig with hijab..mail the scrapbook and hijab to the next traveller muslimah... is great idea..
i do love travel..
wow! what a great idea i'd love to join too, i'm gonna e-mail you right now
All those who'd love to join, just send me an email with your info :)
Salam Heejabee,
I'm shooting you an email.
Happy Jumuah,
Hey...I wanna be part of this little blog! How fun and what a creative idea.
Thanks a lot for a bunch of good tips. I look forward to reading more on the topic in the future. Keep up the good work! This blog is going to be great resource. Love reading it.
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Hi I'm Mufidah from Indonesia,,
It's a nice idea,,count me in please,,
Salaam - InshaAllah I would love to be part of this experience. Will email you iA
wow i wish i could participate :(
SubhaanAllah, this is such a cute idea!
This is what should be done, keeping the identities of the sisters anon, you should take a photo of the hijab, scan the book, and publish it online so all of us can read it. And should ask each sister to sew a button on to the hijab to represent herself so everyone can keep count of the sisters and it can be pretty and unique!. hehe
What do you think? I'm so curious what everyone wrote and this way the book can always be kept safe, etc. =) Or each sis that gets it, can send the scan/photo of her post to you, online too.
JazakAllahu Khairun!
salaam, i would love to join this experience. think its a great idea..will email you soon inshaAllah
this is an amazing idea. i would love to be a part of it and get to know the woman behind this idea. follow me at my blog too, although i am a newbie.
I wonder where the hijab and scrapbook has reached today?
Unfortunately one of the sisters did not return the hijab so this project is no longer on :( Sorry ladies
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