
Bad Hijab Day

I'm having a bad hijab day. For some reason, my hijab has decided that it has a mind of its own and refuses to stay straight on my head! I remember when I first started wearing the hijab, I thought I was so done with wasting time in front of a mirror fixing up my hair. I was right with the fixing my hair part, I still spend some decent time in front of the mirror trying to fix my hijab. Some days, my hijab refuses to cooperate, it won't pin up properly! I struggle with it, and struggle with it & all I end up with is a scarf with a lot of holes in it looking like it was attacked by an ant colony. Oh and there is the mysterious pin that disappears in the middle of my head. Ever heard of the expression looking for a needle in a haystack? yeh... that's me, the haystack being my big head. There are also the times when I need to take my hijab off and my safety pin decides not to come off ,I have to fight with it and it gets annoying at times! Oh, and the other day, one of my hijab pins decided to drop right in front of my supervisor making a loud noise, while we were having an office meeting and scared everyone into thinking I was carrying some weapons of mass destruction on my head. It wasn't so much the pin droping that was akward, but the fact that I had to pick it up and show to everyone ' hey just a pin from my head' and stick it in while everyone is looking with a fake smile on their faces as in "ewwww she puts that thing on her head ". Great timing, just my luck!..... Do you have any bad hijab day stories?

Oh, and what's your hijab style on this pic? I would love to think I'am the Hijab Chique, but most days I'm pretty sure I'm more like the veiled Indonesian maid. Yes just if you were wondering, I'm the psycho with the headscarf carrying too many bags that you see in the elevator.


My life my story said...

that can´t be funny :)

muslimahh said...

You and me both! I think I have more problems keeping my scarf looking right than I ever did my hair!! Today is especially bad...I think its this stupid cotton underscarf that stretches out the second I put it on. Ugh. I sure feel like the Indonesian maid today!

Anonymous said...

Ha,ha,ha...I had a laugh now :)!

Anyways,on your list I'm a no-hijab =)!

Mona Zenhom said...

Wow an office so quiet you can hear a pin drop.HEE! Seriously I know what you mean, I sometimes have to take it off and do it all over again. Anyone use starch on their scarf on the front part? I thought of trying that to keep it straight or something. I guess I'd be manto sport cause of the abaya and a little bit of style.

Hijabee said...

lol, I guess I'm not the only one :)
Trust me, the pin flew accross the room and landed while everyone was quiet so we all heard it land lol. What's starch?

Hajar Alwi said...

I have long gone pass that phase. I can never get it right! For now, I am the least bothered about it and pretty much contented with my lopsided scarf results. :)

Mona Zenhom said...

Spray starch is used when ironing to stiffen your clothes, some people starch everything, some just collars or whatever.

Hijabee said...

Oh the starch that they use on clothes! I couldn't guess since I hate ironing & laundry :) Reminds me that I have a bag of laundry waiting for me. grrrrr Does it work well on your hijabs?

Mine can look pretty weird though lol

dee said...

that picture makes me sad

lala said...

i guess im really a mix of styles--iraqi shia, manto sport and hijlems with my hijab chique. i have problem days with hijab too and sometime just have to opt for a triangle scarf to get out the door. i find it soo frustrating!! lol and i agree about the hijab pinholes looking like ant attacks!!!

Hijabee said...

Why? The picture is full of stereotypes but nothing personal.

M.J, you;re right, sometimes its just easier to put on those triangular scarves lol.

Mina said...
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Mina said...

I think im most likely hijab chique:)

The problem is sometimes i tie my hijab too tight and I end up looking like a fat potatoe:(and I get so frustrated.

November 19, 2008 9:51 AM

Hijabee said...

same here, I always feel like my face looks bigger with the hijab on! My cheeks are continuously expanding

Naimah said...

I remember one day, I had on my big somali style hijab, and as I came around the corner it was so windy, and my hijab came right up at the back and over my head! showing my hair, So there's me trying to fight with it, while holding on to the pram, what a palava! lol, actually that happened another time also.