If You had the choice to either go blind or go deaf which would you choose? And Why?And you can't say neither.
“How wonderful is the affair of the believer, for all of it is good, and that applies to no one except the believer. If something good happens to him he gives thanks, and that is good for him, and if something bad befalls him he bears it with patience, and that is good for him.” Reported by Imam Muslim

I think I would rather be deaf. It seems like you would still be more independent because you could write things even if you couldn't sign. It also seems that it would be really hard to learn braile as an adult.
I would rather be blind, this way I can still can listen to the Qur'an and other beneficial knowledge. I can still recite and/or memorize the Qur'an and perform my daily prayers (to the best of my ability). Most importantly I would no longer see those unnecessary advertisements!
That choice wasn't available lol. Don't choose the easy way out :)
I agree with that. Plus I'm too clumsy to be blind, I'd be totally helpless.
I understand your point but still to me being blind would be worse coz I can still read the Quran if Im deaf, at least with my eyes and mind and I can imagine how it sounds, while by being blind, there are so many things that you miss. At least, that's what I think
Id rather be deaf too... for the reason that I feel there are more ways of getting around the loss of this sense in oppose to being blind. I hope noone takes offence to this, I am in no way saying that its the easy way or anything.. ok gonna shut up now.. I like this new segment sis
Yay, she's back! I'd rather be deaf!!
I think I would rather be deaf, because at least I could still see people and the world around me. When you're blind you can see anything around you - it is just dark. Plus, I am very clumsy person.
Alhumdulilah, Allah has graced me with both sight and hearing...I think it is kind of a blessing (b/c those vices help us function) but it is also a curse (b/c of all the sins we hear and see on a daily basis...sins that we become immune to).
I'd rather be deaf for sure. I can't imagine not being able to see... I'd lose so much of my independance. I feel I'd lose a lot less being deaf.
I would rather be deaf because with sign language you can still communicate very effectively but I couldnt imagine not seeing the beautiful sky!
I'd rather be deaf. I'm hard of hearing now, so I think for me it'd be a very easy transition since I'd just fall back on lip reading. Being even hard of hearing is incredibly, incredibly frustrating but i just think itd be more manageable for me.
Yeah definetly deaf lol...im sometimes deaf anyways...i annoy the hell outta lil sis shes always repeating things for me hehe...
No seriosuly i would rather be deaf at least i could see the Quran and recite it in mind and pray, cant hear but i can learn sign langauge which btw i think is amazing i really wanna get into that:)
Alhamdulilah Allah gave us the abilty to see, hear and speak.
Praise to be Allah.
i love the question because I have often wondered myself. Deafness i think...I cannot imagine not ever seeing the sky, the ocean, the birds, or the face of my loved ones. These are the little pleasures in life we take for granted. Imagine there are some people who have no idea what their parents or the sky or the ocean look like? they can only imagine. Thank God for seeing and hearing.
Deaf, because I can't imagine never having been able to see my beautiful son's face.
I would rather be deaf. Much like the deaf boy in The Amazing Race, you could still lead a fairly normal life and maybe even win an Oscar like Marlee Matlin in Children of a Lesser God. Being blind makes it almost impossible to get a job. And I think the scariest thing is that I'd be worried about criminals watchng me, stalking me, and I'm unable to see them.
Fantastic idea Hijabee! Love you!
Deaf would be ma choice,but honestly,i am thankful 4 both senses....
I'd rather be blind since about 90% here prefers to be deaf. :P
But honestly, I prefer to be blind simply because I wish to 'see' more from my heart; removing the judgmental physical attributes vs. innate behaviors. Generating a brilliant light from within that shall eternally 'blind' me. Plus, I already have a knack in becoming 'deaf' when I hear nonsense. Owh, did you say something Hijabee? :P
Hi sweety :)!
Oh my God when I saw this post,I thought to myself that I don't want to comment.That's because my grandmother became blind a few years ago and believe me it was trrible!She can't see a thing.She got a little bit used to it by now,but it still is very hard for her not to see anymore.Once she said she'd raher lose one of her legs or arms,or to be deaf.I also would rather be deaf.At least you can be more indipendent and you are still part of this world somehow.I think blind people bild a world of their own inside their darkness.Maybe!
Oh Hijabee...what a difficult question.I hope neither of this ever happens to anyone of us blogging here around.
Sorry to be the odd one out, but I have to say it...Alhamdulillah that we don't have to make such a choice. Why should we think about it?
I know people who are deaf and many also have pretty severe speech impediments, or can barely formulate words at all. Thank Allah that you are neither and I doubt that those who have both faculties (sight and hearing) can glibly say which they prefer. You have both and you can't possibly imagine what it is like not to have them both.
Sorry but I think it is a stupid thing to try and contemplate. I can understand asking, if you prefer peanut butter or jelly, but talking about which disability you prefer?
Aside from being able or not able to read Quran or being able to "see people with your heart," have you thought about the fact that you'd not be able to drive, your marriage prospects would diminish greatly and the host of other limitations you would have?
The disabled in society and especially the Muslim community are not treated very well, so think about the social aspects as well. I have many friends who can attest to this. Instead of imagining which disability you prefer, talk to someone who has one and ask them what they prefer...
PS:: I'm awarding you several awards. One can never be enough, can it? :P
Since neither is not an option how about both?
P.S. I do this on my blog as well, they are known as WYRW, would you rather wednesdays, except for the part where I'm habitually lazy and forget when it's wednesday.
to the person that said since we all have both and it's stupid for us to contemplate not having one or the other, i get your point but it's not ungreatful to imagine. infact i think it makes one MORE greatful of what they have. and coming from a hard of hearing person, i dont see the harm.
Not sure sister,I'll miss so much without either of the senses.May Allah forbid,if given such a difficult choice ,I'll choose to be deaf,least I could see and take care of my family.
I would rather be blind I think, because I could still listen to the quaran the dourous etc. and also read the quran in braille but al hamdoulillah Allah has given me eyes and ears al hamdoulillah!!
The silence would drive me insane.. but at least I'd get to watch the water, see the sun shine, see children play, appreciate beauty, watch my husband's handsome smile :)
deaf..at least i can still function and admire beautiful things..and dress myself lol
Great blog!
if i had to choose one Now after having experienced both sight and sound, i would choose to be deaf, however if i was born with a disability, i would rather be blind for one reason ONLY. I have a cousin who is deaf, and i know how hard it is for her. I love listening to and reciting the Quran, and don't get me started on the Adhan (Its my Love), but she struggles ALOT with the concept of our deen, and unfortunetly she tends to get information from some unreliable sources no matter how much we try to help her. But i just wish she could Listen to the beautiful words of the Quran, or the Adhan, i think she'd fall in Love too.
Salaams sister,
Alhamdulillah, i stumbled across your insightful blog via others i visit frequently.
I think i would have to say i would rather be deaf. I too can be quite clumsy and dread to think what kind of havock i would create being blind. Besides, i would miss seeing my 3 daughters Masha-Allah beautiful faces, jaz mentioned her husbands smile and she's right. I would miss seeing my husband's smile too. Also having a passion for art and calligraphy, i would be devastated to not be able to visualise my emotions via the colour of my paintings.
May Allah SWA keep all our senses intact for they are all so important in their own right. I know if i were to be deaf, i would definitely miss the hours of conversations i have with my sisters, not to mention listening to my daughters recite Quran, now thats music to your ears!!!
hijabee! you were back, but now you're gone again, I guess. I hope all is well I'A.
Mashaallah and Alhamdulillah sister you have a great blog !
I am very pleased to discover it today.
Missing you sweets! How are you? Happy Memorial Day...
Well, I would say deaf. As at times my children say I am anyway... actually a little hard of hearing. Inshallah, I would never like to be blind their are so many wonders of this world we live in.
True Iala dumb would probibly be the best Allah know - I talk toooo much,may I/WE all be forgiven!
I would rather go deaf. i have never had the best of either sense but i can rely on my eyes to help me read lips and i could still do other things with easy like driving.
i'm looking for more sister's blogs. i just started my own so if you know of a good one send it my way please :)
I'd rather be deaf because constant darkness would terrify me.
I would choose to be blind. I will not be able to see the haraam, but I will have the ability to here the recitation of the qur'an and recieve reminders. With both of the conditions life would be one hefty task regardless. Another thing Shaykh bin Baz(rahimahullah) and Abdullah bin Umm Makhtoum(radi allahu anhu)were blind and they were great men Alhamdulilah.
There's an award waiting for you on my BLOG :)!
Where are UUUUU??? it's beennn a while that you have not post something I hope you are alright???
I rather be deaf. There is too much noise pollution that I can think I could without the constant chatter.
I hope you be ok and safe Dear.
Allah protect you.
Alsalam Alikum
I like the image..It is representative..
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