Thank you all for the wishes and congrats. The past few days have been great and tiring. Great as I am enjoying motherhood, tiring as I am trying to get used to my new routine and adding a newborn to my schedule. I'm adjusting to waking up 4 or 5 times a night for diaper changes and to nurse the baby. After a while, you get used to it and it's not that bad. I even wake up before the baby to check if she's not up yet. My husband has been very supportive as he wakes up with me and helps to feed her and with diaper changes as well.The first few days were a bit crazy as I wasn't sure if I was feeding her properly or if she was getting enough milk as she was crying a lot. But like all new mothers, there comes a time where you learn and accept that your baby will cry to express any needs that she/he might have be it being bored,hungry, wet, cold, hot, you name it, crying is a baby's only way to express their feelings. Though I was 37 weeks pregnant when I had her, I wasn't prepared at all. I was thinking that I had 3 more weeks to go and was enjoying the last few lap of my pregnancy. I remember thinking that she would be out soon and I wouldn't be able to protect her as much as I was protecting her while she was in my tummy! Little did I know that she would be out sooner than I expected.
Sunday was a regular day for me, I did not do anything unusual. Luckily, I packed my hospital bag on Saturday morning. I had sweaters in my bag thinking about how cold it could get in mid October. Little did I know I was going to need that bag the next day. I stayed up late on Sunday night, watching back to back episodes of Desperate Housewives, and catching up on all the shows that I missed during the week. I went to bed around 1h30 am not because I was sleepy but because I wanted to get up early the next morning. Two hours later, around 3h30 am, I started having a leak and wasn't quite sure as to what was happening..... I called my Dr and she said that I needed to come to the hospital and be prepared to stay there if they determined that I was leaking amniotic fluid. The ride to the hospital was quick and I was feeling crampy but it still didn't register that I was going to have a baby that day, I mean, I was 3 weeks away from my due date and I wasn't emotionally ready to push a baby out that morning. We got to Sibley Hospital around 4:00 am and I remember getting to the L&D room around 4h30 am. The nurse came to check me and my husband asked her what was going on as I'm sure he couldn't believe that this was happening and we were few hours away from having a baby. The nurse said matter of factly : Oh, she's in labor, she's 3 cm dilated. My heart pounded and I think I just died, came back to life and died again. Was I actually in labor? I thought one would know for days before they went in labor, I did not get any warning signs,
Another Dr. from my practice checked me around 5h30 am and I was 4.5 cm dilated. He told me that his shift would end at 6:00pm and he expected to deliver the baby before then, hopefully during the early afternoon. I was thinking, crap, this means I will still be here in pain for the next 10 hours. The contractions went crazy after that. I did not have time to breathe between contractions as they were getting so close to each other, each lasting longer and being more painful. My husband's constant reminders to breathe were not helpful anymore nor were the ice chips that he kept bringing thinking it would make me feel better. I don't think anything would've helped at that time but to put me in a coma and wake me up after everything was done. At around 7:00am, I couldn't take it anymore, my pain level was a 20/10 and I asked for an epidural. Getting the epidural was not an easy matter either as the anesthesiologist told me I had to sit still through my contractions which was nearly impossible as I couldn't take the pain anymore. I went to hell for about 10 minutes and then it was all over, I couldn't feel the contractions anymore...
I could feel the pressure building up though as the baby was descending and around 11h30 I started feeling a lot of pressure as if someone was trying to rip me open. I told the nurse who checked my cervix and couldn't believe that I was 9.5 cm dilated. She called the Dr and I started pushing a few minutes later. My baby girl was born at 12:17 pm. The Dr. couldn't believe how quickly my labor went for a first time mother. All I could think was, Alhamdulilah ( Praise be to God), my baby is here and it's all over. The Quran was playing in the background on my husband's laptop throughout my labor and I remember the Dr. asking between 2 pushes what kind of music was playing and one of the nurses told him it was the Quran. He said it was beautiful and a peaceful way to enter the world. As soon as the baby was born, I was pain free. It's hard to explain, it's a feeling of relief and ecstasy at the same time. I couldn't believe that I was holding a baby, a human being and that I just became a mother!
Though I was expecting an October Pumpkin, I got a September sweet pea and I couldn't be any happier. Sumaya Yasmine was born at 7lbs,1.3 ounces, 19.4 inches. She will always be a very special baby to me because she made me a mother. I never want to forget the first feelings of love that I felt as I held her little body knowing that from now on I would be responsible for each and every of her needs. It's just an amazing feeling. I hope and pray that she stays pure forever as she will always be the little princess who made me a mother!

Mashaallah! What a nice and beautiful bundle of joy Sumaya Yamine is. I wish I could be a mother too. Wishing for my own child is always part of my daily prayers. May you have a great time nurturing her into a good Muslimah. She's lovely and she has a pretty name too.
I feel you on that. Proud mother of a handsome 4-month old. Mashallah she is so cute.
AAAAWWW!! MashaAllah, she's adorable! May Allah bless her!
Alhamdulilah asalma. MashaAllah she is soo cute.
Aww masha'allah! Well ur toddie has become an aunt..arent u proud of that! haha
wow! thank you for sharing your birth story with us!! She is a blessing mashallah!
Alhamdulillah everything went well .... Awwwwwww Masha Allah .... Congratulations Again .... May Allah give the parents and the child health and a long prosperous life Ameen :D
Masha Allah it was really nice to have the Qur'an going on :)
mashallah!! may Allah bless you little baby her oummi and her abi also amine soo a lovely post mashallah
masha'Allah soumaya yasmine is very pretty and has a cute name masha'Allah. may she grow up as a pious muslimah. and Allah bless the family insha'Allah nice story
Masha'Allah she's gorgeous!!!! Congrats to you and hubby :-)
Aww sweetie you so made me cry out of happiness for you!! MashaAllah - I will remember to play the Qur'an too one day lol wen im in that painful situation. I wos there with my sister when she gave birth to both my niece and nephew and it truly is a miracle... Can't fully explain the feeling.
My only things was.... Male doctors. I am more afraid of that then the actual labor part lol --- how did you and your husband deal with that? I mean having to have a "HE" doctor?
Hijabee,my dear Hijabee :) have a little treasure there and oh...I am really happy for you.
I will come back later to read to story,as I am busy now,but thanks for sharing a picture of your little joy with us :).
I so wish I could give you a hug right now.
Congrats Hijabee!
Good to know everything went well,Alhamdulillah.My hugs and kisses to you and the sweet pea.
Take care :D
As Salaamu Alaikum Dear
Aww...she is so sweet, Alhamdulillah! Mabrook to you and your husband, and JAK for sharing with us :)
Omg that is so sweet.. mA it sounds amazing but scary at the same time! May Allah bless you and your husband with a wonderful daughter who is sadqa-jariya for you both!
Alhamdulilahi! And yes, having the Qu'ran in the background was beautiful. Sumaya is definitely blessed!!!!
Assalamu alaikum Hijabee :)!
Ah and ohhhh and smiling and feeling so good,becuase you shared with us your birth story.It's to be admired that you admited there was a hell of a pain,too.Not all mothers do that!Most of them just leave you with a simple:oh,it was nothing!:?
Your little Sumaya Yasmine is really a princess on a sweet pea =)!I send you and her all my love.If I only could give you a hug now :).
Mwah sweet Hijabee!
Dearest new mama,
Your little sweet pea is the loveliest little angel! May Allah S.W.T keep her safe and guide her to be a wonderful, pious and devout muslimah!
Mash'Allah, she is sooo beautiful! My baby's a year old next month and you're making me sentimental...
May Allah bless your family and make your daughter grow up to be an amazing and righteous woman.
Awww, Masha'Allah she is beautiful! Mabrook!! Make sure you get plenty of rest and take good care of yourself!
MashaAllah! So beautiful! I love her name, Sumaya is top of my list too! :P
awwwwwww ... beautiful, wonderful ... congrats!
MashaAllah I'm glad everything went so well. She's so precious.
aw, congrats!!!
awwww,little sister,i missed out on so many things.i did not even know u were preggers.i took a break from the bloggers world and i come back today BAM!!!! you have a daughter.OHMYGOD,Alhamdulillah.i've been crying so much reading your posts from the announcement to the accident and now the beautiful gift(i'm of those silly ones who weep in happiness or sorrow,my husband thinks i have a crazy bone somewhere)but i am sooo happy for you(envious,lol)may the Merciful bless,and always keep her in the siratal mustakhim.i'm sorry i'm babbling,i'm so just so excited for you,i mean wawww.machaAllah.
Mabrook!! She's so beautiful. Masha'Allah. :)
Hi sweet Hijabee :),
how are things going?I know,you must be so busy in these days.But :)...I hope you'll find the time and the energy to do a tag.He,he,he...the blog world misses you,so you've just been tagged :).For details,please check my blog.
Mwah,mwah and mwah :)!
Great birth story! I feel your happiness. May Allaah bless your little princess!
Salam from Kuala Lumpur,
Congratulations to you and your hubby. She is so cute and adorable.
you have a very nice blog. i should spend more to read your articles soon.
awww masha'Allah. So precious!!!
You reminded me of the birth of my daughter when I had a lucky labour of only about 5.5 hrs. I just wish I had the Quran playing. My husband recited the Azan in her year - that was all. Insha Allah for my next baby I hope I will be able to do it! Thank you for the idea and you will enjoy reading this post later on and so will your baby Insha Allah!
It is very interesting for me to read that article. Thank you for it. I like such themes and everything that is connected to this matter. I would like to read more soon.
subhana'Allah and masha'Allah sis!! your story is amazing and SCARY may Allah bless you and your child ameen...p.s masha'Allah she is soo beautiful1!!
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