We were blessed with a beautiful and healthy baby girl on Monday September 28th, 2009 at 12:17 pm, 7pounds 1.3 ounces, 19.4 inches. She came unexpectedly at 37 weeks and 2 days.Even though the sleepless nights and the diaper changes already started, we just cannot be any happier! I will come back later to tell my birth story.

Mabrook Ukthi!!!
Can't wait to see you guys bearing gifties. **smile**
Aw!! MashaAllah! Congratulations Hijabee!!
Alhamdulillah. Congrats . share pictures pleasee :)
MashaAllah! Congratulations sis - may Allah swt. keep you all healthy, and happy and bless you with an abundance of joy! Kids are truly prescious :)
MABROOK! MashaAllah! Alhamdulillah! enjoy your baby girl.
mabrookkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk take care of her for us
Congratulation Sis! I'm so happy for you.
Felicitations la nouvelle maman!!!
C'est incroyable on parlait la veille d'elle ndekete yow elle se preparait a venir.Je suis tres heureuse pour toi!
Alhumdullilah! Congratulations on your little blessing!
Congratulations love~!!! Alhamdulillah! I hope you are doing equally fine too! ^^ Take care ya!
Alf Mabrook :D
Mashallah congratulations!
Mabrook mabrook May allah make her among the Righteous Ameen
Alhamdullilah , MashaAllah! Congrats dear Sis.
Baarakallahu laka fil-mawhoobi laka wa shakartal-waahiba, wa balagha 'ashuddahu, wa ruziqta birrahu.
May Allah bless you with His gift to you, and may you give thanks, may the child reach the maturity of years, and may you be granted her righteousness. Ameen
mash'Allah Mabrook Sis and well done for getting through it. I'm pleased to hear that mum and baby are well.
May Allah (SWT) bless her with all that is good and pure insh'Allah and may she be a source of joy and and sweetness for you all. Ooooh lucky you, I'm thinking little pink party frocks mash'Allah...
Alhamdulillah .... Congratulations Dear ... I'm soooooo happy for U :D ....
May Allah bless you with His gift to you, and may you (the new parents) give thanks, may the child reach the maturity of years, and may you be granted its righteousness. Ameen. Hugs to U and Baby :)
congratulations, I hope you are feeling well. What is her name?
that's me above ... but I signed in with the wrong account. :-)
Alhamdoulilah. Congratulations!!! All praises and thanks are due to Allah for this wonderful gift. May this baby bring you plenty of smiles and joyous moments to come. May this baby grow up to be healthy and blessed. May Allah protect this baby throughout her life. Ameen!
May Allah bless you and you little bundle of joy!
MashaAllah!My dear Hijabee,congratulations!That's so nice and beautiful and all .... :)!Enjoy your family :)!
Thank you all for your sweet comments. The baby and I are doing well!
I am super late but MashaAllah TabarakaAllah! CONGRATS!
Alhamdulilah you and the baby are doing well!
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