Ancient Egyptians believed that upon death
they would be asked two questions
and their answers would determine
whether they could continue their journey in the afterlife.
The first question was, "Did you bring joy?"
The second was, "Did you find joy?"
Leo Buscaglia
When you were born, you cried and the world rejoiced.
Live your life in a manner
so that when you die the world cries and you rejoice.
-Native American Proverb

I have to admit that sometimes, I fantasize about my death,
So, what if? What if I were to die today? What would I leave to the world? How would my friends remember me? How would my family remember me? What if? What if I died tomorrow, will you think of me? What would be the first thing that comes to your mind when you remember me? Would my life be enough to define me as a person, an individual, a citizen of the world? I questioned myself again and again. I think we should all ask to ourselves one question: Am I ready to die today? What if my hour was now, would I be ready to leave this world? What would my legacy be? Do I have some unfinished business? When was the last time I called my friends? family? When was the last time I remembered my purpose in this world....What's my purpose?

What are the things I'm going to miss? What's preventing me from enjoying those things or doing them now? Am I too busy? If you think you are too busy to do the things you are supposed to do, if you think you are too busy to take the time to reflect on your life, please take a minute off your busy schedule and think. Reflect on the people who are dying every day. They are old and young, teenagers and babies, they think they have some time left. They think the future belongs to them. Today, they are gone forever, the only thing that will be remembered is how they spent their life!
People will forget things you said, they will forget things you did, but they will never forget how you once made them feel. What’s your impact on the world? As human beings, people, citizens of a nation, we all have a duty towards our fellow human beings be they our neighbors, friends, family or just strangers.... We have a duty to make sure that we are the best people we can be. Like someone said before,a smile can make a difference in someone’s day, a helping hand shows to someone that you care, a phone call tells to someone that they are remembered, a kiss proves to someone they are loved....

Unfortunately, you and I will read this, we might even be sad for a moment but we won't remember...We will go back to our perfect or not so perfect life and everything will be more of the same, till something or someone makes us remember again....

very insightful post. seriously i have no idea wether i will be remembered or not. or how would i be remembered? i dont know it makes me cry you know. and at the same time im like what if people remember as someone wonderful, and i still end up in hell. do you get what im sayin?. i want people to have nice memories of me. i dont know. all this makes me sad
This is such a good and thought out post. You've really made me think. It's not something people like to dwell upon but as Muslims we know we will all die and we don't know how or when.
I think about this a lot. I am not sure of how I want to be remembered, exactly. I like to think that people will remember me as someone who tried to make a difference in her world...
Lovely and insightful (as always). I think of death sometimes, and many times I accord my life to a novel that is being written and that will one day be unearthed and read. Helps put things in perspective.
Salaam Hijabee :o)!--->I put a smily just to cheer up a bit the whole thing.Just like that!
I think about death a lot and I know I'm not ready to die yet.To be completely honest,I don't think so much if people will remember me as a good or bad person.You know,everyone will choose alone what they will think about me.I don't want to stress so much about that!I think more of the fact that I want to see,feel,live,understand as much as possible of this world.Sometimes I get to discover or learn things I've never thought of.And the more life goes on,the older I am I think how beautiful life is.Even in its most sad moments!Maybe when you're oging through something you don't realize that,but months after,you do feel it,you know how blessed you were to be given a life.I find it so amazing what all we can feel and what survivors we are!
There's one thing though I wish.To be with my loved ones at the moment of the death.I wish to be able to hold my loved one's hand and that someone could do the same for me.That is my goal and this makes me feel more secure!Secondly I hope God will make my parents and me stay together in the other world.This is my prayer to Him,indipendently of our religions.I really put my heart in His hands on this one.
And'm scared you know...really scared of this one.I actually hope that hell doesn't relly exist,but that God has some other plans for all the errand souls.I hope there's the possibility of a second chance,because you know here in this world things aren't perfect and it can be sometimes so hard to be righteous.
Oh...and than sometimes I find myself thinking...what if somebody of the bloggers would die.Would I know it?Would I miss this person?Hm...I sure would.
For now I want to live and the reast will follow...for me,for you,for everyone :)...
Love you so much!
good reflection post! :)
I guess the point would be to be remembered for the right reasons and not to be remembered just for the sake of being remembered! Thanks for your comment.
I agree! We live in a society that doesn't encourage us to think about death. It's very materialistic and all about the rat race!
Yes we would love all that! I guess the important thing is to do good so we could have a positive impact on the people whose lives we have touched one way or the other.
You're right. Life is a novel and we are the characters.....
Salaam. It's always a pleasure to have your insight! And I hope you get to have your loved ones next to you when the time comes. It's really sad to die alone far away from your country or family. Thinking about hell is also very scary. It makes one sad and scared at the same time. Death is so mysterious and so unknown, we can never grasp it and never understand of fathom what comes after it. Hopefully, we will be blessed enough to be forgiven and reunited with our families in the after life! Love always....
"People will forget things you said, they will forget things you did, but they will never forget how you once made them feel"
That's really true. I try really hard to remember the things my late father used to say.. but it's always so easy to remember how he made me feel =) Thanks for the great post!
Thank you for your comment. May Allah forgive your father and grant him Jannah!
Pak Karamu visiting muhibbah to you
slms. im 23 and jus lost my husband of almost 5 yrs 28 days ago in a tragic accident. he was young bt left a clear legacy. he was in his 20s bt lived a life that ppl in der 6os cnt say dey had. he had a heart of gold and had firm faith in our Allah. his face always had a smile which brought a smile n ease 2 whoever he was with. being hafiz his Quraan flowed from his heart. he lft his mark n mde his aakhirah b4 he lft this world inshallah. he left this world smiling and we'r all crying. now we need 2 prepared for ours n inshallah he will be waiting for us at the doors of jannatul firdous wen we are reunited soon together.
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