Ramadan Mubarak to everyone. Yes I'm still alive, kidnapped by Mommyhood. But seriously,I could give you a thousand excuses of why I haven't been around here lately,the truth is laziness had something to do with it. Yes I've been busy with my little one but I'm sure I could find the time to drop a word of two if I really wanted to. In fact, thought about it more than a couple of times but for some reason, it always slip my mind. ....
I really don't get why it's been so hard for me to blog since having Sumaya. I guess being a first time mother kinda changes your world a bit for a while till you re-adjust to what your new normal is. Normal in my house these days is running after a 10 months old crawling little doll who thinks the world is so wonderful that everything needs to be tasted, licked and bitten with a toothless mouth. It's funny how kids are amazed by everything around them. At this age everything is new and they can still find awe and grace in the littlest things that we as adults ignore or are too busy to notice. They remind us that the greatest pleasures in life can be found in the littlest things. The most fantastic treasures are not found in a treasure chest, they are buried within our heart. So let's seek them and enjoy their riches.....
Ramadan Mubarak to everyone, I miss you and can't wait to catch up with all your blogs. Hopefully, I will be posting more often inshaAllah~

Ramadan Mubarak to you too!
Fave part: "Normal in my house these days is running after a 10 months old crawling little doll who thinks the world is so wonderful that everything needs to be tasted, licked and bitten with a toothless mouth."
And yes, God uses children in a special way in teaching us adults a thing or two. Looking fwd to more posts!
Stay blessed ;)!
Jemila, why are you up at this time? lol, go to bed. Ramadan Kareem :) Hope all is well
WOW you're alive!!
I know the craziness: I have three under the age of two. It's nuts in this house but in such a good, joyful way :-)
Woohooo~! A blog post from you~! Finally~! :D Gosh ... I so want a little doll of my own ...
aargh.just left a long post and it was deleted..oh well
Ramadan Kareem.Can't wait to hear more about motherhood :)
Ramadan Kareem!!! Awww iA I'll get to see this karamel cutie soon enough!!
Sooo nice to hear from you sister. Glad you've been enjoying motherhood; but we do hop eto hear from you more often on here.
Ramadan Mubarak to you too sweetie!
Coffee Catholic,
How are you? how are the twins? I need to catch up w/ your blog :)
yea a little hajar will be sweet :)
Where are you hiding? Ramadan Mubarak, miss you
Umm Amirah,
Ramadan Mubarak! Yes you will see her soon inshaALLAH
Nice to see you hear.I will try to blog more often. I need to catch up with your blog too, I missed you :)
ramadan karim! :)
Ramadan Mubarak, sister...
Just want to share with you, if you're thinking to give cards or goodies bags about Ramadan & Eid to neighbors, kids teachers, co-workers, local firefighters/police, and so on, please check out this new business runs by two sisters: www.zazzle.com/polkadotinks*
Ramadan Mubarak to you sister :)
Ramadan Kareem. Thanks for sharing, I will take a look at the site :)
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