Lovely & Crazy Mina gave me an award! She said :'Hijabee - That's one sister who makes me laugh so much i cant breathe sometimes...and has a very special talent for writing stories.'
This award has to be passed on to 10 other cool sisters blogs. I'm so touched, Mina * tears*. I really did not expect this award
Thank you! Oh! Thank you! I can hardly believe this! I feel so blessed! And this statue - it's so shiny! Oh, thank you again! I just want everyone to read in the tabloids that even in my wildest hallucinations, I never would have imagined that this could ever happen to me. And to the other brilliant nominees, I want each of you to know how totally saddened your crushing defeat makes me feel right now!
You know when they first told me I was nominated, I just had to take a minute and think about how great my experiences have been. I guess it all just makes me feel kinda special!

You know, there are so many obsequious stalkers to thank! First off though, I want to thank the self-congratulatory Mina, who looked deep within her Magic 8-Balls before giving me this fantastic award! Also, I want to thank God, for being such a powerful force in my life. And to Mom, who taught me to take life by the horns. And finally, to all the sycophantic bloggers - I couldn't have done it without you!
Thank you America, and good night! * ROund of Applause*
Ok, back to reality! lol. So, I'm gonna nominate:
Empress Anisa What can I say? I felt an instant connection with her blog. Her posts are always so instructive and beautifully written. You just gotta read her blog! She is such a beautiful person!
Mina She's like my long-lost sister from a different mother who escaped for 20 something years and I found her on Blogger minding someone else's business lol. Just know that I love you so much dear Mina and your blog is one of my daily reads, can't go through the day without my dose of Mina :)
Mama Mona Such a sweet blogger! Love reading about her life in Egypt and her beautiful children.
Ms.Unique This is another cool blogger. I love all her blogs, she has about 5 I think lol. Love reading your quizzes too.
Muslimahh is so so sweet! You can just feel her sweetness by reading her blog. She was also the first to comment on my blog when I started! KUddos * you get extra points for that* lol
Hajar That's my asian connection. I love reading about her posts about Malaysia, her travels and culinary posts.
Angela is just so kewl! She's my Aussie connection. I actually started talking to her even before I started blogging, weird I know lol. She's always got great advice when you need it and not just limited to fashion!
Yasmeen Another blogger I discovered recently! For someone like me who doesn't even love cooking, I got addicted to her cooking posts very quickly! Gotta check it out ladies
Amina What can I say about Amina? Ok, first Amina & I did not meet on Blogger lol. We went to college together in Boston and she was always there to explain Economic notions when I first majored in Economics. We lost track of each other till I met her on blogger one day. Her blog is rich with information about natural haircare and skincare products! I asked her once about haircare products and she mailed me a whole bunch for free. So sweeeet!
Yaye Marie This mamacita is my African connection. Visit her blog for a whole new look of the Continent. SHe blogs about African women in general, North Africa, South Africa, East, West, you name it, she's talked about it. Visit her blog to learn more about the old continent!
Flifla She's gotta be cool with a name like this! Read her blog for perspectives on living in France while wearing a hijab!
Safiyyah I wanna be like her when I grow up, lol! Her posts are always very well written & researched
Nida That's another gem in Blogger. Very interesting blog indeed, she also shares experiences from Bosnian Muslims that the media fails to portray!
Michelle is the cool Catholic Hijabi Mum in Scotland. Read her blogs to get a peek at her life in a farm in Scotland
Francesca . Her blog is the place to go if tou want fashion ideas straight from Morocco. She also opened a store where she sells beautiful hijab-friendly outfits that you can order directly from her blog. How cool is that?

You're too sweet... many thanks for the nod!
Oh yes, you listed so many beautiful sisters- some I dont know but will check out... and Hijabi Couture, that sister is truly one in a million! She made me a fabulous outfit for Eid- and she just completed another nice size order for me today... ladies, you wouldnt be disappointed!
Congratulations sister!! You do have a awesome blog!!!!
Congrats to you my lovely, kisses and hugs to you darling...
Love you loads, you truely deserved it:)
I had to rewrite it..donc comme je disais lol tout dabord congrats on your oh so deserved award, you have a beautiful spirit qui se lit a travers ta plume..and u are such a gifted story teller..:)
merci pour laward aussi..it feels great to be listed by u among so many great bloggers:)
plein de bioux bioux
You deserved it sweetie. Your blog is more than cool!Oh really, you ordered from Hijabi Couture bfore? How long did it take you to get the items?
Inspired Muslimah,
Thanks sister:)
Aww** You know I wanted to nominate you coz your blog is one of my daily reads but bcoz you nominated me I didn't know if I was allowed to nominate you again.GGGRRR you get it! Anyhow, I love youuuuuuuuuu 222222222 sweet sister!
Thanks hun! Keep on blogging for Africa, your blog is full of information and insights! I just love it! :)
LOL @ ur award speech :P
I loove your award speech!!
congratulations!! You totally deserve it!!!
I am learning so much from your blog and I am truly humbled that you nominated me!!
Awww sis, I truly feel honored! I usually don't know how to respond to compliments but thank you lol!
I was imagening Miss conginiality when I was reading your acceptance speech lol with the flatering hand and the abnoxious lady like cry hahahaha!!! Naah sis - you know you deserve every bit of it! You're awsome mashaAllah! :)
Habayeb,lol :)
You deserved it. I'm learning from yours as well!
You're a great blogger MashaAllah so you deserved every bit of it. Yeh I remember Miss Congeniality, one of my favorite movies, so funny, LOL!
Nice speech! :)
Congrats on the award.
Love the new layout by the way
Congrats on your award! I love your blog so far, just came across it now :)
LoL~ Your speech had me in stitches! Well done! ^^ Really sis, you're being too modest here.
Aww~ is that ... me? *blush* Haha~ Thanks a mil' for the nomination. Tsk tsk~ you're far too kind.
Btw, I wasn't able to view the Sisterhood of the Traveling Hijab blog. Will appreciate it if you can resend the invite. :) hajar.alwi@gmail.com
Thanks again!
~off to check out the other lovely nominees ...
I am so cheered-up! First, an award and then reading your acceptance speech - ROFL! You are hilarious! You just made my day! Then, to read such a fabulous endorsement from Sis. Anisa... well, I'm feeling a healing in my soul this morning! :) Alf shukran! I can't wait to meet all of your other nominees.
To answer your question, Anisa's first custom-made order got to her in less than two weeks. Her second order, a sizable one, was custom-made in less than a week. I'm really excited about that order because I made them out of warm wools and luxurious linens especially for her and I think they're really beautiful final products. I can't wait until she gets them and tells me what she thinks!
Fi Iman Ilah,
Congrats Hijabee U really deserve it .... Masha Allah .... I feel so happy for U .... :)
Hehe who says you cant:P
Lol im sure i wouldnt mind:)
Thanks hun, I'm still working on the layout. There is still something I don't understand with the html lol.
Thanks and welcome to my blog. Do come back :)
I will send you another invitation. And you deserve this award, your blog is really kewl. I love reading it :)
Waleikum Salam. Of course you deserve this award. It was about time you got one after puting together all those beautiful outfits. You've got talent!
You got an award too :) Congrats
I just did since Tara wouldn't mind lol.
A befitting award for your lovely blog.Thank you so much for thinking about me:)
Oh yaay im loved...You actually added me to the list im shocked,
Love you too hun:)omg thats exactly how i feel...
Im blushing now hehe...Tara has done enough stalking for today, see ya tomorrow lol
*Hugs and kisses* to you darling.
Lol I didn't even realize it .... hw can I? ... theres a blogger named Unique Muslimah in wordpress though so it thought it was her ... anyways Jazak Allah Khairan ... :)
I did not give permission to Tara to leave as of yet!
Ms. Unique,
I know, my mistake, sometimes Im doing too many things at the same time. I corrected it lol
as salam aleykoum thank u sister for ur sweet words!
one day i will explain what does this nick name means and why my family call me that way
You're welcome sis. Can't wait to read the story :)
Aw thank you! I love your blog too!
I will check these Blogs for sure :).
You're welcome hun :)
Yeh you should they're lovely. I wanted to nominate yours as well coz I love your blog but Mina nominated you already :)
aww wiw
u deserved it pricess :)
Hijabis on a Ranting Tour,
Thanks hun :)
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