Last sunday, I went to my Islamic Studies Class at the mosque as usual but the heat wasn't working. We were all freezing even though we were still all wearing our coats & gloves, so you can imagine how cold it was. The class is offered in a room separate from the main prayer room and we were all wondering why the sheikh didn't do the class in the main room since the heat was working fine there. He let us in the cold for 2 hours and it got to a point where I couldn't listen nor concentrate on anything he was saying coz my brain cells were frozen. Just when I was about to give up and leave, he said " let's go upstairs now". Everybody screamed ALHAMDULILAH!So we went in the main room and we all felt better and to our surprise the sheikh said : I did it on purpose. Needless to say, we were all puzzled. " You did what on purpose". He said:" I left you in the cold on purpose so you can remember what people are going through in Gaza and other parts of the world. They don't have heat, food or electricity. Sometimes, you need to feel a little so you can remember". SubhanaAllah, there we were wearing our coats and complaining about the cold while all the sheikh wanted was to remind us of Allah's blessings. To remind us that somewhere, someone is freezing and they don't even have a coat. Somewhere, someone is dying because they are hungry. Somewhere, someone is crying...Somewhere, someone....There is always something happening to someone, somewhere..If only we could be less selfish sometimes and look around us, maybe we would appreciate more and complain less! What a beautiful reminder the sheikh gave me by letting me sit in a cold room for 2 hours. May Allah rewards him for testing my soul on a cold winter morning and I almost failed....
*For those of you who are members of the Sisterhood of the Traveling Hijab,I've been getting questions about why you don't see that there are new posts.You won't be able to notice new posts on Blogger because it's a private blog. You'd have to visit the blog. The automatic feeds don't work for private blogs, the blog's been active. You just have to visit it to see what's going on.

Cecilia said...
good you´re back! :)
that was good of him to do that, I think. sometimes you need a reminder
February 19, 2009 10:37 AM
Diali said...
Hey, welcome back!!
Missed ya!!
Alhamdoulilah for all of our blessings and may Allah assist those who are lacking things I usually take for granted. Amine
Nice banner!! I so see myself in the sister in all green :)
Sorry, I posted this twice and deleted the wrong post, so I just copied your comments over to this one! :)
Wa alikum salam ... and soo I've seen that U too weren't here since long ... me's back too though my reasons are different U know it .... anyways Alhamdulillah ... Love the lesson the shaykh taught u .... good reminder ... gotta go chk the sisterhood site ... ok then ... tc ... loads of luv n hugs ... :)
W.S. Hun, missed you loads it hasnt been the same without you, so glad your back...poor you, don't over stress yourself at work...
Wow that sheikh is very clever mashallah, May Allah reward him:)
Yeah i thought the same thing, makes sense i guess.
masha'allah sounds like a funky sheikh :P love the header pic sis :) masha'allah
SubhanAllah I totally would have failed that test! I have had a lot of those similar reminders just today subhanAllah. May Allah guide us.
can't wait to hear about the changes in your life.
I really love your new header. Very nice. And your post today is very meaningful ... brings things into perspective.
Ms Unique,
I hope you're feeling better! I will stop over @ your blog to see what's new. Miss ya :)
I missed you too and Im glad 2 be back :) I can start stalking you again....
Adventurous Ammena,
yes funky is the word lol. Thanks for stopping by sis :)
أم ترافيس
Ameen. May Allah guide us, I almost failed myself coz I was about to leave the class when he asked us to switch rooms.
you will soon enough inshaAllah :)
Thank you! I like the new header too, it shows true sisterhood :) Thanks again for stopping by :)
love your new header picture!!
Thanks Khadra :)
c'etait une tres bonne lecon que le sheikh vous a offert...c'est vrai que dans d'autres parts du monde il yen a qui souffrent plus que nous..qu'Allah leur vienne en aide....
yah right...been too busy but ALWAYS have time to bully poor innocent me on FB!
The banner caught my sight. Lol. Thank you for your happy birthday comment on my blog. Love stalking you, sist. *hugs*
Wa'alaikumussalam wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh dear Super Hijabee. ^^ I'm seriously in love with the header. It's too cute~! Speaking of the sisterhood, haven't been updating myself on it. *tied with my other life* I'll pop over in a short while. :) Take care!
welcome back sis. Syukran for the reminder. We groan and moan about every little things, when there are others out there trying to dodge a bullet for real.
Hi..can i get an invitation to follow the sisterhood blog? I wanted to follow it when it first started but I just got myself a blogger account... =)
I miss you dear!
But I am happy to see your post.
Before I thought the hijab you mean scarf and dress in Islamic modle togeather .I understood" wash the hijab" for covering head .It is possible for every body and can be fit for all (ha,ha at myself).In Iran we call scarf and dress "hijab" not just kinds of scarfs.I thought you use a free size dress but said to myself it is impossible .(haha)
Have a nice time:)
Welcome back! and thanks for posting this... I am so loving your sheikh right now, that is such an awesome way to relay an important message.
wa laykum salam. Missed you!! :)
Ameen. Thanks for stopping by :)
Cuz you deserve it toddler. Ja bay! :)
You're welcome sis. Keep on stalking anytime :-p
I like the header too. Will be stalking you soon :-p
You're so right! We should count our blessings.
Nur Amirah,
Sure! What's your email address/location? You can email me @
I missed you too :) I guess I've used the word "hijab'referring to a headscarf and not "dress" lol, sorry about the confusion :)
Gazelle du sahara,
Thank you :) yeh that sheikh is really nice :)
Missed you 2. Im glad 2 be back :)
As Salaamu Alaikum Dear:
I, like everyone else, have also missed you! I've been busy, too; I can relate.
Ya Allah! Heat in the masjids. Ours didn't have heat until this month. The teachers and kids in the Sunday School always wore coats for class. But it wasn't a joke or test. The building is old, we had to get it fixed, etc.
Many masjids are in poor condition. What is the matter with us Muslims? The churches and synagogues are not like this :(
But that was a good demonstration that the imam provided for you all. First-hand experience!
hey hijabee, today i'm actually checking out blogs for the first time in a loooooooong while so it's good to see you active again :)
Of old masjids, no a/c or heating, one great thing about lebanon's masjids is that they're in beautiful excellent conditions (when normal houses aren't) and they look beautiful from the outside. I'll post up pics one day of the masjids i'v seen so far inshallah ...
see u soonies :)
Waleikum Salam! Indeed masjids have issues with heat during the winter and A.C during summertime. The heat wasn't working for 3 weeks at my masjid except in the main room. It's been fixed this week alhamdulilah! You're so right about the poor management that goes on in mosques. The chairs are so old and dirty sometimes I don't even wanna seat on them. The room where the class is held has broken windowns that are covered with paper and plastic, the Qurans are old with pages missing, and supposedly the mosque is managed by the Saudi embassy. You can't tell me they can afford to fix the areas that need fixing.....
Long time! Thanks for stopping by! Can't wait to see your pictures from Lebannon and read about your experiences in Beirut :)
Glad to see you back sis.
The shaikh is certainly very smart,Mashallah.I must say we get used to the luxurious so much so we forget how blessed we are.
I teach in Weekend Islamic School here,and at times had such unexpected heating problems in the community center,thankfully during such crisis,the Muslim families living near by are quick to send in there personal heaters to save the day:)
MashaAllah, you teach in a weekend Islamic School. I think this heating problem is common to a lot of masjids. We really need to tackle these issues in our communities.
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