Frame Relay DLCI and Mappings Exam Tutorial for the Cisco CCNA
Data-Link Connection Identifiers (DLCI) are the identifiers used by Frame
Relay VCs and are only important locally. Global addressing does not change
1 year ago
Thanks for updating on that matter!I'm glad she's working to get her position better,because sometimes in such cases a person might fall in depression.I wish her the best.Of course,I voted for your girl!
Have a good week!
Alhumdulillah... that's great news!
Thanks hun. Hopefully things are gonna get better inshaAllah. Have a great week as well :)
Empress Anisa,
Thanks for stopping by sweetie. I've been so busy lately, didn't have time to check on you. I hope Hijabi Aprrentice got the sisterhood's hijab!
I was so amazed by your compassion in getting the word out Hijabee. Sorry I couldn't donate as I've been laid off. I voted too.
No worries! The thought is enough. Thanks for voting :)
i voted as well!!!
assalam alaikum,
Voting means you will give at least $5 for the cause.
Also, as you know it's better teach someone to fish than giving them a fish, so if you have any ideas how we can setup an income stream for this needy family (mom/daughter). HalfDate is willing to help, in-sha-Allah.
Pak Karamu visiting your blog
That's nice to know.Sorry Hijabee,I couldn't be of any financial help for the needy sister.But she is in my prayers and I linked for donation at my blog,I also voted for her at half date.
I voted.
I hope the sister is doing better now, inshaallah I'll make duaa for her.
Salam Sister: I have opened my blog again privately. If you would like an invite, please email me at: emmyzidan AT yahoo DOT COM
Salaam Sis ,can you please trail back to my blog for my
token of gratitude
As-salaamu-alaikum Sis. Hijabee,
I am so proud to know a sweet sister like yourself. I have a friend from college whose father is muslim and she is interested in going to a masjid and learning more about Islam - right there in DC with you. With your generous spirit, I thought that you might be kind enough to look out for her. What do think? If you're free to take her to the masjid, please drop me an e-mail.
Fi Iman Ilah,
Assalamu'alaikum Wr,Wb
Thank you for your prayers and for linking to your blog.I really appreciate it :) I will check your blog for the token !
Thank you so much for your donation. May Allah reward you.
Thank you for voting :)
Thank you for your concern and AMEEN to your duas.
The Cairo wife,
Im so happy to see that you're back! I will email you :) Thanks for stopping by!
Waleikum Salam. You're too sweet :) I would be happy to meet your friend and take her to the masjid inshaAllah! I will email you in a while, Ive just been really busy lately! Love you for the sake of ALLAH sister.
Waleikum Salam :)
Assalamu'alaikum Wr,Wb
Singamaraja reading your blogs
Singamaraja raeding your blog
Assalam Alaikum,
Please let us know if you can fine a local masjid/organization to receive the help for this sister.
HalfDate can only send help to some organization.
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