efore “I'm Curious” And here is the rest of it

Nomore a girl, Not yet a woman. Tales of my life...... Daughter, Mother, Wife, Sister, Friend, Blogger
[Say: “If both humanity and jinn banded together to produce the like of this Qur'an, they could never produce anything like it, even if they backed each other up.” ] (Al-Israa’ 17: 88)
(85:21) Nay; but this is a glorious Qur'an,
(85:22) inscribed on a well-guarded Tablet
[We have sent down the Reminder, and We will preserve it.] (Al-Hijr 15: 9)
"It is nothing less than a message to all nations" (Quran 68:52).Therefore, regardless of our attachment to it, it doesn't belong to us. It was revealed to all humanity, so this pastor is burning his own book. Also, when the Qur'aan was revealed, technology was almost non-existent, it wasn't printed with ink on beautiful pages,however it was printed in the heart of the believers with the ink of ALLAH swt. It's been over 1400 years today, and that Qur'aan is still alive in the hearts of the Muslims as it was then. There are millions of hafiz ( people who have memorized the entire Qur'aan ) today everywhere in the world, so even if all the Qur'aans in the world were burnt,it wouldn't make a difference because the Qur'aan is alive in the hearts of the Muslims.
“Therefore excuse them and proclaim, “Peace”; for they will soon come to know.” (Al-Zukhruf, 43:89).
From Hijabee, June 10th, 2010
Salam sister,
I read that you were interested in the SIsterhood of the traveling hijab. Please send me your email so I can send you an invite to the blog. Thank you
From Sumaya Rose Re: Sisterhood of the Traveling HIjab
xxx@yahoo.com (edited for privacy reason)
From Hijabee, June 11th 2010
I sent you an invitation. Lemme know if you have any questions. Also send me your address. Thank you- Heejabee
From Sumaya Rose
My address is (edited address for privacy reasons)
Thanks and Salam
From Heejabee, June 29th 2010
Salam Sumaya,
Funny you have my daughter's name :) The hijab will be on your way this week inshaAllah. Lemme know if you have any questions. Thank you!
From Sumayah Rose
salam alakum sis,
Mashallah! I am so excited! This is so wonderful. I cant wait inshallah I have it by this weekend. I am going to Bush Gardens, the everglades and Miami. I think that will be so much fun to wear the traveling hijab on my trip.
From Hijabee, June 29th, 2010
Sounds so cool & exciting! I'm sure you will have a lot of fun. I hope you get the hijab by then and enjoy your time with it. Have a good one!
Cheers! :-p
From Sumaya Rose. July 8th 2010
salam alakum sis,
INshallah your good. I still have not recieved the traveling hijab. Do you have a tracking number for it? That way I can or you can track it down.
From Hijabee, july 8th 2010
Waleikum Salam Sumayah,
Lujain had some issues sending the hijab that's why it's late. Because of the 4th of July holiday, she said she had to go to the post office twice before she was able to send it. I just tracked it and it was delivered today. Are you sure someone in your house did not sign for it? Thank you
The tracking number is as follows:
0496 9002 0330 2109 8578
From Sumayah Rose
Re: Sisterhood of the Traveling HIjab
i got it sis.
From Hijabee, July 19th 2010
Re: Sisterhood of the Traveling HIjab
Salam Sumayah,
How are you? I haven't heard back from you and was wondering if you're ready to send the hijab to the next sister. I sent you an invitation to the blog a few days ago so you can post up a pic and story . Let me know how things are going. Thanks!
From Sumayah Rose, July 19th 2010
Re: Sisterhood of the Traveling HIjab
salam sis things are crazy i need a bit longer to uplaod my blog and pic.
sis I need some prayers, major prayers, pray ALLAH protect me and help me!
From Hijabee, July 21th 2010
Re: Sisterhood of the Traveling HIjab
That's fine. I hope all is well with you. May Allah protect you and help you in anything you're going through. Allah is always there for you and He listens when noone is listening so talk to him and he will hear you. My thoughts and prayers are with you!
( no response from Sumayah)
From Hijabee, July 28th 2010
Re: Sisterhood of the Traveling HIjab
Salam Sumayah,
I hope you are feeling better sister. Any updates on the hijab? Thank you
From Sumayah Rose, July 29th 2010
Salam I plan on doing everything tomarrow, pic and all. INshallah. Nope not feeling better in fact my doc was trying to get me to go get a blood transfusion yesterday. I didnt listen- cant afford it right now. I am making dua thou...notice how white I look in my last video adn how blaa. Humdulilah I have ALLAH, inshallah tomarrow and then inshallah next week I can send it.
From Hijabee, August 3rd, 2010
Salam Sumaya,
How are you doing? Hope you're better and back to normal. Anyways, I am still waiting on the Hijab as the next sister has emailed me twice about it and I told her you were going to mail it this week, so please keep me posted. Thank you!
From Sumayah Rose, August 3rd 2010
Re: Sisterhood of the Traveling HIjab
salam sis I will I am so sorry jazakallah kiron............please pray for me.
From Sumayah Rose, August 5th 2010
salam sis I cant figure out how to post a message on the blog???
From Hijabee , August 6th 2010
Re: Sisterhood of the Traveling HIjab
I sent you an invitation on July 14th to be an author, that invitation hasn't been accepted. I resent 2 invitations just now, one on your yahoo address, the other one on your gmail address. Once you accept the invitation, you will be able to post on the blog.
From Hijabee, August 10th 2010
Salam Sumaya,
I still haven't seen your post on the blog nor have you mailed the hijab. You have been holding the hijab for a long time now and so far I have been very patient. Please remember that there are many sisters waiting and you're holding the sisterhood up at this point. The rules of the sisterhood are clear in the sense that you can't have the hijab for more than 1 week and I have let you slip on that one but please be considerate of other people waiting, so could you please mail the hijab to:
xx....../ ( address edited for privacy reasons)
Thank you.
From Sumayah Rose, August 17th 2010
Salam It is being mailed Thursday, inshallah. That is my day off and I have time to do it then.
From Hijabee, August 21th 2010
I would like to know if the hijab was mailed and if you could provide me with the tracking number. Thank you
From Hijabee, August 23rd 2010
I need to know the status of the hijab. You are the first person Im having issues with regarding this hijab. This has been going on for over a year without any issues. People are waiting, so please reply to my messages.
I still haven't received any messages from Sumayah Rose on September 1st, 2010,and realized she blocked me from sending her messages on Youtube so I emailed her today this message:
From: Umm Sumaya
Subject: Sisterhood of the Traveling Hijab
To: candacemetcalf@yahoo.com
Date: Wednesday, September 1, 2010, 6:19 PM
You have ignored my previous messages. I would like to have the hijab back. You are unbelievable, you've been having the hijab for 2 months while you are only allowed to have it for one week. I have been very civil with my previous messages to no avail. I also know that you have blocked me from your youtube channel I guess not to be bothered by my messages. The only reason you were part of the sisterhood in the first place is because we trusted that as a Muslim you would be honest enough to follow the rules like everybody else before you! This is MY LAST email to you and after this if I don't hear back from you I will have to go public with this on my blog and all the sisters blog so they can be warned. I also have your address in Orlando and I will have to send someone there to get the hijab from you if I don't hear from you and if that person can't get the hijab we will have to recourse to the law . Sisters have not worked on this project for over a year to have it stalled because of one person. This was supposed to be a beautiful experience for everybody but I guess there is a bad apple in every group! Pleas reply at your earliest convenience
And Finally she replied with this:
candace metcalf
to Umm
show details 9:59 PM (1 hour ago)
salam alakum,
I just want to let you know that I will not have any more emails from you sister. First because of your disdain for me being your sister. Second because of you not treating me like your sister. And third of ALL because islam does not require such things as a traveling hijab. Thanks For being so considerate when I lost all my family sister, you know who was there for me not a stupid sister with a traveling hijab to comfort me, now when I lost my children were you there for me sister, and when I got so sick that I cant even stand up were you there sister. DId you even ask me how I was or even pray for me I dont think so, may ALLAH SWT forgive us all and sister, I blocked you for your inconsideration and yes I have been busy with lossing my family and my health. Thanks For ASKING. MAY ALLAH BLESS YOU TOO>
Umm Sumaya
to candace
show details 10:09 PM (57 minutes ago)
You are such a liar. May Allah forgive you for all your lies. How many times did I send you messages asking you how you were doing and Prayed for you? If Islam doesn't require a traveling hijab, why are you part of it? Each one of us deals with their own issues, were you considerate when other sisters were going through what they are going through? Do you know whats going on in my life? I have all the messages that I sent you asking you how you were and what was wrong with you which shows that you are a liar. By this Ramadan, this night, May Allah judge between us!
Al Hijaab is not only to get out there and find you the best in Islamic clothing but to design and produce our own lines of exquisite Islamic clothing. Islamic Fashon with modesty!
Ancient Egyptians believed that upon death
they would be asked two questions
and their answers would determine
whether they could continue their journey in the afterlife.
The first question was, "Did you bring joy?"
The second was, "Did you find joy?"
Leo Buscaglia
When you were born, you cried and the world rejoiced.
Live your life in a manner
so that when you die the world cries and you rejoice.
-Native American Proverb
"By and large, mothers and housewives are the only workers who do not have regular time off. They are the great vacationless class." -- Anne Morrow Lindbergh